Morrissey Central "CAPITOL WRECKERS" (October 15, 2023)


Hi! I run Capitol Records and if I want to wreck Morrissey’s career
no one can stop me. Bye, now!

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Gosh, how ridiculous. I feel like writing to Michelle what's-her-name to ask exactly what's going on with the album. Not in a 'RELEASE BOT NOW!!!!!!!' way, but in a 'what is the truth about this album's non-release?' way, because nobody has ever given a clear explanation. I reckon it must be to do with Morrissey telling everyone that Miley was on the album when he wasn't supposed to, Capitol presumably saying the song must be re-recorded, and Morrissey spitting his dummy out, because he's Morrissey. The only person wrecking his career is him. He could release the next album quite easily if he wanted to. I love him, I love his music, but right now it's tedious with nothing to look forward to.
BUT.... there is always music to look forward to. Tomorrow my LPs of John Carpenter and Lisa Bella Donna and Blancmange arrive. It's not Moz but they're brilliant in their own right. A load of original Tangerine Dream and Klaus Schulze LPs arrived recently. A new Moz album would be great but you gotta have your eggs in more than one basket. Moz will eventually get his album(s) out - It's a waiting game at this stage.
I may be wrong but is there any statement from Capitol saying they signed him in the first place.
It was strange how their website never mentioned Moz at the time. Were they afraid, and if so then why sign him?
Mozi sounds like an evil, feckless entity which has possessed Morrissey for roughly the past 5 years and has derailed his career with stubbornness, stupid Central posts, employing SER, giving Fiona Dodwell the time of day, bad trousers, and repetitive setlists. Go away Mozi :censored: give us our Mozza back!
It could also be dementia
The Capitol deal supposedly excluded the UK, and if so there's nothing to stop BOT being released in the UK and then sold on import elsewhere in the world. If Moz wanted to get the album out there and screw Capitol in the process, I can't understand why this is not the focus. Streaming would be hard to resolve outside the UK but would be hard for Capitol to stop leaks of UK downloads.

One issue might be that Miley could still need to be removed from Veronica I suppose, assuming whoever represents Miley in the UK didn't give permission for the UK release.
It is very likely that it is the focus - presumably he is doing all he can, but when you have fallen out with most major record labels then it would probably be hard to find a label who would risk it.

It is not as if he has been able to find a label for Without Music the World Dies either, and as far as we know nobody currently owns the rights to that.
He hasn't got a deal so he won't lose anything bar his dignity, but he should just get on with releasing his music himself.
There must be a few people left in the industry that he hasn't annoyed who would help him out with that if he asked.
Dignity, schmignity...
With this, the mediocre backing band with no real guitarists and same old setlist... its no wonder they won't release his album. What the heck has happen to his career in these 40 years?

On the other hand... I'm looking forward to reading Johnny's new guitar book, purchasing his new best of album and seeing him on his book tour and many interviews to follow. Also can't wait for Alain and the Lads to take the stage this winter!
Yeah, it's so weird no labels want to touch Morrissey with a bargepole.

He's clearly the consumate professional and not volatile or vindictive at all.
Nicky wire published his album through bandcamp!! And nicky wire could've EASILY gotten a publishing deal! But nicky was happy to do it through bandcamp because Nicky’s very humble despite being a magnificent physical specimen!
Well, anyway, i thought it was funny. And she does kind of deserve of it. And she does definitely double deserve it even more for that obscenely ugly costume. Truly. :oops:
Why are there no reports from Nashville? As a Moz fan, I’m paranoid as hell!

Edit: I forgot is was Central US time so there’s hope for good things.

I think these kind of Central posts are just him trying to egg them on to get some kind of public reply out of them about the BoT situation. Maybe?

Well, obviously. But it's just embarrassingly done. This is not a Tumblr or Twitter/X - Feud and Capitol just won't get offended and write a furious reply or feel the need to clarify anything for a pouting singer and fans with buttons, petitions and banners demanding them to do so. They chose to be silent about it for whatever reason and I don't think they will change it after actions like this or they would have a long time ago. Moz can do funnier and wittier, this is just childish. Maybe it was "Mozi".

No, I agree with what you and others have been saying in regards to these kind of posts about Capitol. Even if it is obvious, I think it should be stated why we think he makes these Central posts in order to add balance to the constant, but understandable criticisms against these Bot/Capitol Central posts.
I think you’re right Surface, he’s sold them the record; end of as I understood it.

But I believe in one of the Central posts, it was mentioned that, not only are they releasing BoT, but will also be re-releasing older albums, or I’m remembering this wrong(?) which would require a contract, again not sure.

Ok found it … So I guess licensing must involve the signing of a contract, no?

‘Capitol Records (Los Angeles) has also licensed the rights to re-release Morrissey’s albums ‘Southpaw Grammar’, ‘You Are The Quarry’, ‘Ringleader of the Tormentors’, ‘Years of Refusal’ and ‘World Peace is None of Your Business’, and these will be available in deluxe vinyl/LP formats.’

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It is not as if he has been able to find a label for Without Music the World Dies either, and as far as we know nobody currently owns the rights to that.
It took Morrissey a whopping two months to go from announcing he had licensed Bonfire (Oct), to publically slagging off Capitol and disassociating himself from them (Dec). I'm at the stage where even if he announces tomorrow that 'Without Music' is coming out on Bandcamp, I expect the whole thing to blow up and the band to be wearing 'F**** Bandcamp' T-shirts a couple of months later.

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