Mel Gibson, Morrissey and Tom Jones pic in Los Angeles

Was hoping for some heated debate and intelligent convo. But it's all memes, animated gifs and insults. Now I remember why I gave up on this site.
You mean like you did, stalking him in front of the Cat & Fiddle and then filming yourself rolling around on the sidewalk in front of it a year later to commemorate the event?

I was there first that day then he showed up. And the video of me rolling around (that you ironically stalked on an old youtube site of mine :lbf:) was hilarity with a friend, not commemorating the anniversary. I don't even know what day it happened, Viva Hate. Log in. Oh I see you did in the post below.
Re: Mel Gibson, Morrissey, Tom Jones

He dosen't sound like kermit the frog, you dumbshit!

Clearly you can't afford to see him live. :lbf:

LOL! good one! :lbf:

Maybe one day if you train, take your vitamins, and say your prayers you too can illiterately not-really tell someone off.

I was there first that day then he showed up. And the video of me rolling around (that you ironically stalked on an old youtube site of mine :lbf:) was hilarity with a friend, not commemorating the anniversary. I don't even know what day it happened, Viva Hate. Log in. Oh I see you did in the post below.

Ask a moderator who posted it, then STFU.
Oh can it, Brummie. His fans are idiots, they don't give him a second of peace, it's hard for him to go out and appear relaxed when he's always prepared for an onslaught of SIGN MY ARM!!!!! YOU SAVED MY LIFE!!!!!! BleaHHHHHHH!!!!! So he's built up some awkward armor on top of his already awkward self, he's doing awesome.

This is Moz stuck in his hotel. :D


You'd be free in Bolivia, babes, c'mon let's go!!! (That's my current Morrissey daydream. :o)

Morrissey is fabulous! The poor kitty, on the other hand, is distraught because his owners have forced him to wear that gay-pride cat vest.
Re: Mel Gibson, Morrissey, Tom Jones

Ask a moderator who posted it, then STFU.

Why? So you can prove how awesome you were at covering your bases? Also I'd ask that you corroborate the story of the day I "stalked" Morrissey with the girl I was with, but she's dead. You might recall that you and your friends shit all over her memorium thread in the name of free speech. Suck it.

Why? So you can prove how awesome you were at covering your bases? Also I'd ask that you corroborate the story of the day I "stalked" Morrissey with the girl I was with, but she's dead. You might recall that you and your friends shit all over her memorium thread in the name of free speech. Suck it.

You are mistaking someone else with VH.

VH / nothappynotsad / Skylarker aren't trolling you.

If you keep trolling outside the pigsty, you will be given a 3 day timeout.

Next time no warning, immediately you'll get an infraction.
Mel Gibson IS a homophobe, racist, misogynist and especially anti-semite. Did people have amensia or were living under a rock the past few years? This is well documented. All you have to do is plug these words into google. Jodie Foster is a hypocritical coward who much like the subject of this site couldn't even have the guts to come out properly and then as a celebrity had the nerve to ask for privacy, what kind of confused message is that.

Finally, I shall reserve most of my wrath for Tom Jones, a godawful pub "singer"/shouter relic from a thankfully bygone era that Moz wishes were back, the heady days of Jimmy Saville and co. I suppose the fans of TJ here are fans of Lulu since Moz likes her.

He went to the "silly old men" the Stones but at least they were good, this is yet another classical example of Moz's perverse bad music taste. I'll put it down to nostalgia and an early onset of dementia cause anyone who could withstand listening to the odious likes of "Deliliah" again must be the type into BDSM. I bet ole Moz loves to have a boogie to "Sex Bomb" with an orange stuffed in his gob.

You are mistaking someone else with VH.

VH / nothappynotsad / Skylarker aren't trolling you.

If you keep trolling outside the pigsty, you will be given a 3 day timeout.

Next time no warning, immediately you'll get an infraction.

Okay Kewpie. I'm sorry I trolled VivaHate outside the pigsty. Clearly I was out of line.
Anyone on here praising Morrissey yet decrying Gibson as a hateful racist is in serious need of a reality check.

Finally someone says it. And a registered user to boot with an XTC inspired screenname. I couldn't believe that sentence on the descriptor, that was asking for it surely. If you're gonna be biased, at least don't be a biased hypocrite.
I can't believe Morrissey has spent years bashing cool musical artists such as Robert Smith (of The Cure) and Elton John, and yet he praises that overrated hack Tom Jones. f*** Tom Jones. "I'd rather drown in a barrel of live squid" than go see Tom Jones in concert.
Re: Mel Gibson, Morrissey, Tom Jones

Wouldn't his voice have to be an improvement over his Smiths and early solo work to be considered "better than ever"? I highly doubt that his monotone speak-singing/wavering Kermit the frog-esque high notes would have sold any records during either of those eras.

Tom Jones on the other hand is 71, has had a 50 year career and almost sounds exactly the same in 2013 as he did in 1966...Morrissey can't even sound like he did in 2004.

Honestly, I have to wonder how many people can possibly agree with you on this. I have seen Moz live many times from 1997 on including several shows this year, and found his voice to be stronger and more beautiful than ever!

Morrissey's vocals have changed from The Smiths era to now, for sure. Although I would never take anything away from his vocals with THe Smiths, I feel his voice has matured, strengthened and frankly improved over time. His voice has a rich velvety quality now.

There are many old songs (not all mind you) that sound better in 2013 than ever, in my opinion. His versions of "Ouija Board" and "November Spawned a Monster" are excellent examples of his vocal prowess. As far as Smiths tunes, I prefer the modern day "I Know it's Over" and "Please, Please, Please" to The Smiths versions.

I was curious if you knew anything about Morrissey being known for not taking care of his voice (or if Moz ever said anything like that) because I've never heard that. He has not shown any ill effects; he sounds amazing

And yes Tom Jones sounds fantastic! Doesn't look 71 either, damn.
When Morrissey would sing the acapella part of Speedway during the last tour, there was no question his voice had never sounded better.

You are mistaking someone else with VH.

VH / nothappynotsad / Skylarker aren't trolling you.

If you keep trolling outside the pigsty, you will be given a 3 day timeout.

Next time no warning, immediately you'll get an infraction.

Last edited by a moderator:
Mel Gibson IS a homophobe, racist, misogynist and especially anti-semite. Did people have amensia or were living under a rock the past few years? This is well documented. All you have to do is plug these words into google. Jodie Foster is a hypocritical coward who much like the subject of this site couldn't even have the guts to come out properly and then as a celebrity had the nerve to ask for privacy, what kind of confused message is that.

Finally, I shall reserve most of my wrath for Tom Jones, a godawful pub "singer"/shouter relic from a thankfully bygone era that Moz wishes were back, the heady days of Jimmy Saville and co. I suppose the fans of TJ here are fans of Lulu since Moz likes her.

He went to the "silly old men" the Stones but at least they were good, this is yet another classical example of Moz's perverse bad music taste. I'll put it down to nostalgia and an early onset of dementia cause anyone who could withstand listening to the odious likes of "Deliliah" again must be the type into BDSM. I bet ole Moz loves to have a boogie to "Sex Bomb" with an orange stuffed in his gob.

I like Tom Jones. But then again I'm Welsh and he's instilled into our psyche along with rain, rugby, drinking and bilingual road signs. (And sheep allegedly)

A funny story? I was on holiday in Zanzibar recently which is predominantly an Islamic country. We were invited to a local's "bar" which turned out to be a rather derelict storeroom in the back of a shop through a maze of winding streets.
There were about 6 blokes drinking illicitly who were curious to know more about us. On trying to explain my origins I said Do you know Tom Jones at which point 2 of the lads sang Delilah word perfectly. The point being that Tom Jones is known around the world...

Forgive me Delilah I just couldn't take anymore
He cancelled 3 times' now I seem him out partying. All of his other bandmates are doing shows, except the one he is f***ing. Can't wait for KrisTeen's new album with Dave Grohl on drums!

Poor Dave--to have to sit thru Kristeens screeching in a closed recording booth. Poor guy. Hope he got paid ALOT! apparently she has the $$ to hire him
Poor Dave--to have to sit thru Kristeens screeching in a closed recording booth. Poor guy. Hope he got paid ALOT! apparently she has the $$ to hire him

From touring with Morrissey? Or her dead mother's estate? Just a failed European keepin' it classy, folks. :cool:

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